Professional staff

Effective treatment depends on getting the right diagnosis as soon as possible. Our specialists collaborate across disciplines to listen to your story, evaluate your condition from every angle, and develop a diagnosis and treatment plan that’s just for you.

Satisfied Patients

Our patients report back that the quality of their interactions, our attention to detail, and the efficiency of their visit resulted in health care like they’ve never experienced. Hear from our satisfied West Clinic patients here.

Insurance partners

We supports adults of all ages and provides different types of care insurance. Our specialist services include mental health hospitals, care for people with learning disabilities, residential care and complex dementia nursing care.

Consult our doctors

Doctors take the time to listen to understand your health issues and concerns during your consultation to provide you with an innovative treatment. Appointment times are longer in order to promote factual and excellent consultations.

Al-Faraby Medical Group

About Us

Welcome to Al-Faraby Medical Group. Al-Faraby Medical Group has expanded the spectrum of its services over the past years to fulfill its customers’ needs in the medical field within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Al-Faraby Medical Group employees are committed to provide our patients and clients an exceptional service where quality, patient safety and performance are our top priority. We worked so hard to secure qualified people working with us who share our values and work towards implementing them. Al-Faraby MedicalGroup will keep on expanding and improving its services to meet our clients’ expectations

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Zamil Group


Dir / zl crop Administration

Saeed Mohamed

Al-Faraby medical co. Ltd has been working with Zamil industrial investment co as a health care provider from 2006 till 2010 All clinics run by Al-Faraby medical co . ltd in the eastern province were operational 24/7 and were responsible for occupational health checkups pre-placement medical checkups as well as medevac and referral from secondary to tertiary hospitals for further management. Al-Faraby medical co . ltd has made a positive contribution by running their clinics with expedience ,efficiency and professionalism. The leadership skills exhibited on a daily basis by the Al-Faraby medical staff is especially noteworthy. Al-Faraby medical company`s personal attention team coordination and commitment to the project`s value and quality is highly commendable. In view of our successful liaison with Al-Faraby medical co. ltd, we would like to show appreciation for Al-Faraby medical Co.Ltd and their tremendous efforts, while recommending them for similar ventures in the future.

Our Doctors

Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Dr Doua Ahmed Alaswadi


Specialist Consultant in Cardiology and Vascular Diseases

Dr Omar Abdulhadi

Specialist Consultant in Cardiology and Vascular Diseases

Dermatologist and Venereologist

Dr Maha Sami Hamed

Master of Dermatology and Venereology, Zagazig University


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It’s always the word of mouth that’s the best advice. Here are some of our…

Working Hours

Dammam Branche
from 8:00 AM to 12:00 AM
Doha Branche
from 8:00 AM to 11:00 pm
Friday from 4:00 pm to 11:00 PM
First Industrial branch
from 9:00 AM to 4:00 pm
Friday : Closed

About Us

Welcome to Al-Faraby Medical Group. Al-Faraby Medical Group has expanded the spectrum of its services over the past years to fulfill its customers’ needs in the medical field within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Al-Faraby Medical Group employees are committed to provide our patients and clients an exceptional service where quality, patient safety.


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